
anti glycation
retarde le vieillissement cellulaire
Complément D-Glyc
Absolute D-Glyc
absolu d-glyc

Absolute D-Glyc

Regular price48,00€ Sale price38,40€

Anti-aging precursor and Glycation


Innovative and pioneer in the fight against aging, it acts against the harmful effects of sugars on proteins, the famous "caramelization of proteins", and acts both to prevent this glycation and to reverse it on a daily basis.

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Accelerated aging of the skin has 3 main factors: oxidative stress, glycation and DNA disruption.

Absolute D-Glyc acts against glycation, the “caramelization of proteins”, because sugars have harmful effects on all the proteins in our body.
Innovative and pioneering, Absolute D-Glyc has a dual action against glycation: it reduces glycation and “de-glycates” proteins altered by sugar.

By reducing glycation, Absolute D-Glyc visibly reduces the signs of aging:

  • Limits skin changes induced by sugar
  • Prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Preserves the elasticity and suppleness of the skin
  • Stops skin thinning
  • Re-boosts tissue healing


Prevents the caramelization of skin proteins, particularly collagen.
Glycation is a phenomenon in the body that is caused when sugars bind to proteins in our body, altering their functioning.
Absolute D-Glyc provides two molecules: L-Carnosine and Carcinine, which bind to sugars instead of proteins.


Releases glycated proteins and restores their natural integrity.
Carcinin acts on glycated proteins to release sugar. Proteins resume their essential structural role in the skin.
De-glycation also helps prevent the body's defense reactions and therefore protect tissue health.

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Il est possible de consommer cette formule en continu. Nous vous recommandons de suivre les cures pour la peau au moins 2 mois de suite pour que les résultats soient parfaitement visibles et durables. Faire durer la cure 2 fois 28 jours, c'est-à-dire 2 cycles cellulaires de suite, permet de déclencher la "mémoire cellulaire" : une partie des bienfaits perdurera après l'arrêt de la cure.

L'Absolu D-Glyc contient 28 gélules végétales dans un flacon en verre.