The phenomenon of glycation
Also called “the Maillard reaction”, the phenomenon of glycation is little known, although it is at the heart of aging mechanisms. It is a chemical reaction resulting from the fixation of sugars on proteins. These can modify their structure by freezing them which can then lead to a loss of their function. This step is commonly called protein caramelization.
To better understand and illustrate this phenomenon, we can take the example of toast. Under the heat of the toaster, the proteins present in the flour bind to the sugar molecules in the Maillard reaction process. It is this reaction that gives the crunchy texture of toasted bread!
These glycation products are called AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products). They can be formed naturally in our body, but particularly in the event of a significant rise in blood sugar and in the vast majority through food .
The problem with AGEs is that once produced, a return to the initial state is impossible! They are the result of an irreversible chemical reaction and the only way to eliminate them is to evacuate them in the urine. AGEs therefore accumulate in the body by modifying and preventing our cellular receptors from functioning properly. These AGEs are the cause of many signs of agingand multiple complications of chronic diseases.
Glycation, a major factor in aging
The causes of aging are categorized into two: intrinsic factors such as genetic factors and hormonal, and extrinsic factors strong> directlylinked to our habits (diet, exposure to the sun, stress, pollution, etc.).
Glycation is at the heart of these two factors. Exposure to UV rays, genetic and hormonal factors therefore aggravate this phenomenon.
From an aesthetic point of view, AGEs are responsible for wrinkles, fine lines and brown spots. By freezing our collagen proteins, glycation will make the skin less supple and stiffer. It will then lose its natural elasticity. Unfortunately, collagen proteins are present throughout the body and the skin is not the only organ affected.
The brain, the lens and the vessels are also. This results in increasing the development of cardiovascular diseases, causing complications of diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases .
How to fight glycation?
1) Food
It is essential to pay particular attention to your diet to combat the phenomenon of glycation. Indeed, certain foods and cooking methods provide by-products and promote the Maillard reaction, so they must be limited.
oven cooking and barbecue should be avoided. browned foods, gratined and caramelized foods can increase the quantity of glycation products by 10!
All foods with a high glycemic index such as sweet desserts, jams, pizzas, potatoes, cola or malt drinks, grilled meats, also promote this phenomenon.
To combat glycation, steam cooking and low temperature are preferred.
Certain foods would also have an anti-glycation action such as blueberries, grapes, onions, leeks, garlic, cabbage and certain spices such as rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme….
Absolute D-Glyc is an innovative formula that acts against the harmful effects of sugars on proteins, the famous “protein caramelization”. Absolute D-Glyc provides two molecules, L-Carnosine and Carcinine . which are molecules made by our body from amino acids, but which become rarer as we age. This formula has a double action against glycation : it reduces it and de-glycates proteins altered by sugar .
De-glycation is the act of releasing glycated proteins, restoring them to their natural integrity. Carcinin acts on glycated proteins to free them from sugar, they then resume their essential structural role in the skin.
By reducing glycation, Absolu D-Glyc visibly reduces the signs of aging.
3) The Absolute Hyaluronic + D-GLYC combination to feel good about your age
With age, cell regeneration slows down and the skin loses its ability to retain water. The combination of Absolute Hyaluronic Acid and Absolute D-Glyc supports, improves and preserves the health of your skin by deeply rehydrating it.
This pro-aging Duo supports the skin by taking into account the biological phenomena of aging occurring at the cellular and molecular level. It then becomes smoother, more plump and firmer.
4) Sport
In addition to the advice set out above, regular sporting activity also plays a role in the fight against glycation and is always beneficial for the body!
Indeed, sport for 150 minutes (minimum) per week reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin.
Your best pro-aging allies are therefore a quality diet, the right supplements and regular physical activity!